2018 Victories: Exposing the Rampant Deception and Lies of the Lawless Deep State Bureaucracy



December 3, 2018

This is the latest installment in a year-end series looking back at some of the numerous victories by the ACLJ in 2018.

Our ongoing Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) cases against the Deep State bureaucracy have exposed rampant corruption and lawlessness.

Documents our FOIA lawsuits unearthed verified that the Obama State Department gave taxpayer money to organizations with clear political goals of undermining and unseating the government of our ally Israel. Then it attempted to mislead members of Congress about the funds.

One grant recipient — a group called OneVoice — used grant funds from the Obama State Department to actively campaign against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

We discovered that one of the senior leaders of OneVoice Palestine is the son of Mahmoud Abbas, president of the anti-Israel Palestinian Authority – something the Obama Administration clearly knew (since these documents were in its possession).

The Obama State Department stated there was “absolutely no basis to claims that the Department of State has funded efforts to influence the current Israeli election campaign.”

That was simply not true.

Funding pro-Palestinian political interests seems to have been a virtual pastime for the Obama State Department. In 2016, it gave more than $100,000 dollars to the Carter Center, an organization that boasts regular contact with anti-Israel groups like Hamas —despite the State Department designating it as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO).

Our FOIA lawsuits have also uncovered massive political — and personal — bias by senior government officials aimed at undercutting support for the incoming Administration.

We issued a FOIA request to the FBI and the Department of Justice (DOJ) for documents relating to former Attorney General Lynch’s suspicious meeting with former President Clinton on an Arizona tarmac only days before Hillary Clinton was questioned by the FBI regarding her treatment of classified information.

The FBI claimed it found no records responsive to our request (a lie), then told us it found only a few documents (documents that implicated the DOJ in its own lie). Only upon ACLJ’s persistent litigation did the FBI agree to conduct a third – and for the first time – a thorough search for documents to include the FBI’s main records system – the “Central Records System.”

The Deep State deception runs deep, but we’re exposing it bit by bit.

ACLJ lawsuits against the DOJ and FBI uncovered that the Obama Administration was well aware of the meeting between Attorney General Lynch and former President Clinton and intricately involved in coordinating the deceptive spin, even colluding with members of the mainstream media to downplay the meeting, and that Obama loyalists were inconceivably tasked with investigating themselves.

This unchecked corruption undermines the security of our constitutional republic. The ACLJ is committed to exposing and putting an end to it once and for all, but we can’t fight the Deep State alone.

In another of our lawsuits against the Statement Department, we’ve obtained a court order allowing discovery – over the State Department’s objections – so that we can examine the agency’s policies, practices and procedures for responding to FOIA requests. This process is currently underway.

To help the ACLJ continue to have the resources we need to make these victories possible and continue these fights, please consider making a Tax-Deductible donation to the ACLJ through our year-end Matching Challenge. Your gift will be DOUBLED dollar-for-dollar through the end of the year.

You can read more in the ACLJ’s 2018 Victories series here.

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