Hamas terrorists brutally abducted more than 240 hostages during its savage attack on Israel.

Many have already been slaughtered in unthinkable ways, as the mutilated remains of babies and women have been discovered.

It's evil like we've never seen. We need swift international action to bring the hostages home before it's too late.

The ACLJ is now legally representing multiple families of the hostages on Capitol Hill – meeting with the Speaker of the House and congressional leaders from both sides of the aisle. Now we're preparing to represent them at the United Nations. And the number of families we are taking on as clients is rapidly growing.

We've launched a massive multipronged effort on Capitol Hill, at the European Parliament, before the United Nations, and through our Jerusalem office to bring the hostages home safely.

Israel's enemies must never be allowed to succeed in eradicating the Jewish state. And we must never stop fighting until the hostages are found and freed.

Take action with us. Sign our urgent petition NOW.

Petition To Demand International Intervention To Defend Israel and Free the Hostages




Demand International Action To Bring the Hostages Home Safely

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